Tuesday, February 15, 2011

253. Last Page

Here is the last page of my diary. I will be finishing it in Tripoli, Lebanon. For me there have been better and worse places.

Being “out in orbit” like I have been I have seen how valuable friends, worthy, true, honest, upright, faithful friends might be and how very few of these I have made and held on to over the years. Acquaintances, plenty—but friends, only one or two; women, not many since sex and possessiveness interfere, and men—no, since most are only work colleagues—maybe I have just been unlucky in meeting men who are interested in the same things I am and who would help me as I would them without competition. A real friend would accept me as I am, of course, and not try to change me into something I am not.

I have met a lot of people in this last year but I have been moving so fast I feel rather certain most of these contacts will be lost rather quickly. No matter. What does matter is that now I see what makes a good friend and when one appears I will cherish him or her.


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