Monday, February 7, 2011

246. Luz y Amor

In my dreams recently, I have been told the relationships between the old Egyptian Gods. I am shown transparent drawings that are pretty pictures but, when overlaid on other drawings; reveal deep symbolic meanings which I cannot comprehend. Still, I suspect that all information is retained at some level of the unconscious mind and I am grateful for even this fleeting exposure to what seems to be valuable knowledge.

I read another good quotation as I wait for the counselor: “The conditions of a solitary bird are five: the first—that it flies to the highest point. The second—that it does not suffer for company, not even of its own kind. The third—that it aims its beak to the skies. The fourth—that it does not have a definite color. The fifth—that it sings very softly.” and the person who wrote that was San Juan de la Cruz in “Dijos de Luz y Amor”.

Then, by reading the fine print on a price list, I get out of paying a fee to get my retirement check document notarized by the counselor. 


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