Saturday, May 28, 2011

9. Desert Water

We have recently visited three human solutions to the problem of water in the desert and they all are concerned with containment pools.

Montezuma Well in the middle of the Arizona Desert--a small pond formed by nature and exploited by the "Sinagua" early human desert dwellers--Lake Elsinore, created in the early 20th Century by damming seasonal rainwater runoff streams near the Pacific coast in the southern California desert  and Lake Havasu--also created in the early 20th Century by damming the Colorado River on the desert California/Arizona border.

Here are some photos of each of these human solutions to a need. (Click photo to enlarge)

Lake Elsinore, (Tomasito photo)

Lake Havasu. (Tomasito photo)

Montezuma Well. (Tanya photo)

More humans mean more massive solutions. 

How many people are enough?

"Enough is plenty."


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