Friday, May 13, 2011

313. Earthprobe Tapestry

When I began my “earthprobe” adventure I imagined that I what I was doing was gathering true information about the world for my friends and readers in Hawaii and the United States of America, but they have all been busy with their own “earthprobes”, doing and learning what they could in their own ways.

Besides, my truth, filtered by my consciousness, my experiences, my education and so forth, will never be True (with a capital T)—for you or anyone else but me.

And so my earthprobe, my life, my adventure is my lesson and my miracle. Your earthprobe is yours, but perhaps our separate ways sometimes cross and entwine like reeds in a basket or fibers in cloth. 

Maybe the deepest longing and desire of the human heart is to communicate, to help and be helped in understanding life.

So, happy earthprobing to you too dear friend and may the subtle fibers of our being merge and mingle for good.

“With a handclasp in thought”,

Tom (Thomas Frederick, Tomasito, Starship, Tommy the Drummer) Wold


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