Tuesday, May 17, 2011

317. More Stuff

In the study: Writing kit with paper, envelopes, ballpoint pen, local stamps; drawing kit with colored pencils, sketch pad, brush and India ink; a world map and some local maps are fun;  not more than one book (Keep exchanging it!), musical instrument (like a harmonica or tin whistle), foreign language phrase book for the country you’re in and a magnifying glass, if you need it, for the small print.

In The Bedroom: Sleeping bag or blanket. (I don’t like the tapering “mummy bags” because they cramp my feet!), candle or flashlight, plastic rain sheet or ultra lightweight one-man tent.

Carry on the body: Passport, “World Health Organization (WHO) Immunization Card” ( both in a waterproof wallet hanging around the neck), address book, airline tickets, and American Express card; camera and film in a protective case with a shoulder strap—(or in the backpack for security); money wallet, ID, etc., in front clothing pockets--nothing but a handkerchief in the thief-tempting rear pockets. I like to carry some  loose paper money in my front shirt pocket--it is easier to take out to pay for necessary things and easy to protect. (I learned this trick from Brother Joe in Liberia.)


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