Sunday, May 29, 2011

10. Motel

Me in a Motel (Tanya photo)

Motel. A place to sleep, shower, picnic or maybe cook some rice in the electric pot, write some notes and don't watch the color TV. 

Always overpriced, sometimes clean. Park at the foot of the stairs, carry the luggage and the plastic bags of groceries up--two sometimes three trips. Maybe a laundry, free breakfast coffee in a Styrofoam cup. Motel.

Plastic card for a key that will expire at noon tomorrow--never works the first time. Motel. Queen size bed or two full size beds, cigarette burns in the carpet and  the TV table, Only one chair. Shower controls always different--water flow too weak, too strong--too hot--too cold. Thin white towels. Toilet paper folded into a classy neat point at the used edge.

Noisy family next door. Motel.  Hoodlums next door. Retired military next door. Motel. Driving on to Florida next door. Don't speak English next door.

Trucks  roaring by all night, freight trains all night long, police sirens, toilet flushing next door, strange vibrations, Gideon Bible. Motel.

Tanya. (Tomasito photo)


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