Friday, December 4, 2009

74. More Pucalpa


More Pucalpa

The town of Pucalpa is comprised of two carless mud streets running parallel to the Amazon. There are lots of sleazy bars; a grubby movie theater and many small general merchandise stores. There are plenty of fairly well dressed, busy pedestrians and no beggars.

The life-cycle closes pretty fast here—what the humans don’t eat they throw, the dogs fight the pigs for the biggest scraps and what they don’t eat the zapalotes gobble--so there’s nothing left but shit, mud and the jungle—no civilized gaps like sewers in the chain.

My Spanish is improving from daily use.

I am watching the daily pig/dog/zapalote scrimmage when a guy comes up and tells me a joke in Spanish which I actually understand!

Joke: A zapalote is throwing up. Another concerned zapalote asks him what is the matter? “There was a hair in that shit I was eating!”


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