Saturday, December 25, 2010

206. Taste of Riches

Back in Beirut: I thought I had seen the last of this city, but this time things are a little different. 

Adam’s house is modern in every way. It is built on a mountainside with a splendid view of the twinkling lights of the city.

Adam and Eve treat me like visiting royalty. Eve prepares a scrumptious meal of meat and eggplant seasoned with cloves, sweetened rice, salad and tea—after the meal I enjoy (REALLY enjoy!) a hot tub-bath with heaps of fluffy towels for drying; then silk (honestly!) pajamas robe and slippers. Oh, my! It has been a while since I was pampered like this—in fact, I have NEVER been pampered like this! Then I remember that the most elegant of elegant princes, Haraun al Rashid, was an Arab!!

When I am ready to join my hosts, Adam reads me some of his writing. It is rather flowery poetry in the traditional Arab style and its subject is mainly the “suffering of life”, but I honestly don’t see much evidence of suffering in this life-style! But if you think you’re suffering, you’re suffering.


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