Wednesday, December 8, 2010

198. World War Three

World War III

Later, back at the hostel, we hear gunshots from the direction of the Dead Sea. “That could be the start of World War Three” I quip. “That’s not very funny.” one of the kibbutzim replies and I very clearly see, for the first time, how very unfunny my remark was.

You know, I believe these bred-to-violence humans in this little patch of wasteland would fight each other with sticks and stones if only the weapons-producing nations of the world would stop the endless supply. 

Of course, money buys the weapons, so money is at the root of the problem again, as usual.

Still, doesn’t it seem a shame to draw the whole world into what is basically an ancient feud about some forgotten insult between rival desert tribesmen? 

(The black and white cat wants another fish from the ice-cream freezer.)


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