Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Adieu Penngrove

Memory Oaks (Tomasito photo 2009)

Adieu, Penngrove

Well, it is time for us now to turn loose of Penngrove!

It was sort of a cute little place in an earlier chapter of my life—but as they say, time certainly does NOT stand still--and the almost fabulously picturesque village of Penngrove of lo those many years ago--tucked away in those pretty green hills of my memory--has up and vanished just like those picturesque fishing villages on the Mediterranean coast of Spain which are now your standard tourist traps.

Depend on it: nothing—good or bad—lasts very long these days!

These days—if you can maintain for even a little while—sometimes as little as a few weeks or months, your bad trip may become heavenly—OR--your good trip just might become awful! (Since it seems to work fine both ways!)

The things I remember best as being good about Penngrove itself are gone. The green hills are covered with houses, the little lane is jammed with commuter traffic—the cozy little temporary buildings of Sonoma State College just a few pastures away is now Sonoma State UNIVERSITY with all the pomp and circumstance of a major player in the state university bureaucracy.

So it is—and so it always is!

But it all happens so fast, and doesn't anything ever change for the better?

Does it always have to change for the worst?

Tomasito, 2009


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