The Bogeyman
But, isn’t it odd how many mature people encourage belief in “the bogeyman”?
It seems to me that most cultures have their own “Thing in the Forest” to fear. It seems that “insiders”– initiates who know very well that the “Creature” or “Beast” is smoke, mirrors and masks of their own contriving, keep the game going for generation after generation to fulfill some psychological need of their own.
Do they want to scare others as they have been scared? Or perhaps they are victims of their own fear? Or maybe they just want fools to pay them for “protection” against whatever it is they are afraid of?
Perhaps it is just human nature. Those horror movies which stimulate imaginary fear-thrills and encourage our scare-juices to flow are always popular!
Kids love to frighten themselves and there are always too many unbalanced individuals who are more than willing to take the next step and BE the bogeyman!
Still, and in fact, “666” could be absolutely real.
If so, and if all the power of modern technology is his to control, it will take more than a little courage, tenacity and luck to avoid his microchip “mark”.
I asked the Greek if he thought 666 would be a company or a state or an individual and he replied that the general consensus of his colleagues was that 666 would be an individual–but no one knew his true identity or when he would make his move.
Maybe so.
I bid farewell to the worried Greek and boarded the boat for my return to Daphne.
Tomasito, 2009
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