“666” Warning:
I arrived back at the Kyries dock and had to wait for an hour or two for the larger motor launch which delivers passengers to the main port of Daphne. A Greek man neatly dressed in civilian clothes–not the usual monk’s robes–approached me and invited me to join him at a cafe on the beach for a cup of coffee.
As we sipped, he began, in excellent English, to describe a problem which was new to me.
He referred to a biblical warning from the book of Revelation–the last book of the canonical Christian bible, which says that at some future time an anti-Christ will arise, take over the world and rule–not for good but for evil purposes. The book of Revelation sternly warns believers that they should not follow this wicked leader, called by the author of Revelation: “The Beast” or “666”.
The same scripture warns that it will not be easy to avoid following The Beast because all of his adherents will bear a “sign” on their hand or forehead which will identify them as partisans. Eventually, any person who does not have this sign will not be able to buy, sell or live a normal life but will be considered an outlaw.
The Greek in the coffee shop told me that the time of The Beast had now arrived and that modern technology would allow “666” to take over and control the world.
He told me that microchips had been developed which could be inserted under the skin of the back of the hand or wrist which could be electronically scanned to reveal any information needed by police or governmental authorities and which could be part of a larger scheme to allow only such identified (marked) persons to buy or sell, rent living space or cross a border–in short, a permanently “carried” ID, passport and credit card all in one. Global positioning devices would also be able to track any implanted microchip so that authorities would know at all times where the bearer of the chip was. Certainly this would be a policeman’s or “control freak’s” dream come true!
He said that the chips were already being used on animals, inserted in cattle’s ears to keep track of them–placed under wild animal’s skin to study their migrations and so forth and even under some human’s skins to allow them to enter exclusive clubs in the United States and Europe.
He said that the time would soon come when most people would demand this chip since they would no longer have to carry money or identification cards and could be instantly traced if they got in trouble on vacations or lost in storms. Their medical history would be instantly available anywhere on earth in case of illness or accident–but the authorities would also have complete control of the technology and therefore complete control of the whereabouts and information regarding the implanted person. In this way, “666” could and would take over the world–pretending at first that such a mark would be only used for the benefit and safety of humankind but later using it for the sinister purpose of total control.
These implanted microchips are the "sign" on the hand or forehead referred to in the book of Revelation.
The Greek wanted me to keep in touch with contacts in the Orthodox community on Holy Mountain who would send me information about the progress of “666” which I could make use of in warning others of the danger of the imminent takeover.
But I declined to accept this commission.
I preferred what little freedom I already had to becoming an active agent of Christian Orthodox paranoia.
Tomasito, 2009
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