Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Old Straight Tracks



The “Old Straight Tracks”


I had read about “Earth energy” or telluric energy as it is sometimes called—subtle currents that some people think circulate in paths or patterns around the planet

 And I had read about some ancient “paths” in Britain which run in arrow-straight lines across the countryside called “Old Straight Tracks” or “ley lines”. Sometimes ancient churches were built where the ley line paths intersect each other. The paths do not follow natural valleys or hills like roads or walking pathways would—but run arrow-straight across the landscape, ignoring ponds or natural barriers. They often converge at ancient stone circles and barrows such as those at Avebury. Some people believe that there is indeed some sort of energy passing along these paths.

I wondered if these mysterious ley lines conveyed some sort of earth energy that maybe was related somehow to the peculiar sound I was hearing.

At any rate, I decided to go to Britain some day and investigate the ley lines for myself since I thought I might be able to hear the sound better when I was on the old straight tracks.

In the mean time, for me, there was no rush to do anything or go anywhere.


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