Tuesday, February 16, 2010

110. Flip A Coin


Flip A Coin

Back in Monrovia I visit the young man I met on the plane from Brazil, Kim, at the “Playboy” pad of his UN employed father.

It is all here: mahogany pool table, refrigerator full of imported delicacies, stereo tape deck—all the pleasures of the best of American/European civilization—and a day's journey away—the stone age.

If you could flip a coin and take your choice, I wonder which would bring you closer to real understanding?

Both life styles seem to get people through and people are certainly very different.

Kim’s father would probably feel pretty silly drumming and dancing in Joproken and one of the Joproken villagers would probably not enjoy playing pool here in Monrovia all that much.

I’ve had a great rest and a very educational visit. It’s time to move on— so farewell, Brother Joe.

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