Thursday, January 6, 2011

214. More rules

If it is at all possible every Moslem must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his lifetime . After he has done this he is respectfully called “Hadj”, along with his name, like “Hadji-baba” in the “Arabian Nights” stories.

A Moslem must drink no alcoholic beverage. Some “Moslems” do, of course, but the reallio trulio hard core Moslems don’t—they smoke hashish instead! 

 I discover that there is no salaried “priesthood” in Islam, but good teachers, inspiring orators or gifted singers of chapters of The Koran are given due respect. Most of the Moslem brothers have memorized the Koran and must correct each other if any mistake is made during a recitation.

The typical Moslem believer here in Lebanon is, I think, at least as conforming and conservative as his typical Christian counterpart in America. The brothers here obey the rules of their religion and do what they have been taught to do from childhood without much thought as to “why” or to “where it is all going”.


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