Tuesday, November 9, 2010

186. Uncle Mustache's

Uncle Mustache's

And here it is—Uncle Mustache's .

Uncle Mustache is a short man with a belly that is said to be the 8th Wonder of the World. 

When we meet he gives me a free cup of coffee then, while I eat a fine cheese omelet, he brings me three notebooks he keeps on hand for his customers to look at and to write in. 

These “slam books” are filled with several years worth of poems, stupid remarks, traveler’s wisdom and even some cartoons and sketches. Next he shows me a traveler’s “guide to Israel” book where his restaurant is listed under “Starvation Budget”. The book calls him a saint for his kindness to hippies and backpackers.

When he has time to talk a bit I ask him about his customers and he says that his youthful customers have changed over the years. “Before, some of the young people were curious about the spiritual life in this city, but the young people now are interested only in sex and drugs.” 

He calls himself not religious but “a realist”.

I like him and think just about anyone would.


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