Magic Valley, Lebanon:
My campsite is still vacant and I spend a couple of days doing nothing much. But when I begin to explore my surroundings some more I discover that not only are there mysterious sealed caves in this valley but some of the house-sized stones have wooden ladders fixed to them so they can be scaled and used as look-outs; I note that the foliage between one big stone and “my” cave has been trimmed so that a clear view into “my” cave is afforded to anyone watching from the stone.
I begin to think that my perfect “Magic Valley Camp” may be part of some larger design.
How did the Australian know about it anyway and why did his friend the dope farmer offer me a “job” picking up a fancy car for him in Europe—in fact, why did that attractive French girl meet me so conveniently in the Baalbek ruins and the taxi man drop me off at the “church”? And why were the thugs waiting at the village store to drive me the last few miles to the valley?
Man, among these worldly-wise, cynical, radio and telephone connected dopers and dealers, I am truly a “babe in the woods”; all innocent and newly hatched! Full-blown paranoia strikes!
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