Running in Rio
Running in Rio
It’s raining.
I stand on a sheltered street corner watching the water and the crowds of people stream past.
They are playing the “Rio Game” for all they’re worth and they’ve got it wired.
It occurs to me that at this very moment children are swimming in San Jose, pigs are rooting in Pucalpa and butterflies are fluttering in Aguas Caliente.
I accept my temporary environment as I apparently must . (Don't you?)
My trip is wired too. Though the bit of reality I am up against at this moment seems the most urgent for me—the whole cosmic program is full on all over and everywhere! (And the whole cosmic program matters at this moment to you and to me.)
It seems that with luck and in the best of circumstances and with some fairly imposing limitations, you may simply choose where you want to be--and I am temporarily standing on a street corner in Rio de Janiero in the rain.
This city around me seems designed to keep people on the move. The hurrying humans grab a bite to eat at a stand-up counter and then dash off to their next destination. Run or else in Rio!
The pressure is intense to conform and compete.
I look at the clothes in the fancy shops. They have the latest style of pre-faded denims, which is apparently a global fashion trend, but there is nothing I really need.
Passing by an expensive restaurant I gaze in at the beautiful, very beautiful people dining. Customers rush in and out thinking as they have been trained to think by their culture and, in their conformity, urging me to adapt and conform. Their loud and clear message is “Be like us and we will accept you—maybe even love you.”
It’s tempting—very tempting; but at this stage in my particular game, earthprobing is my Zen thing and I have made my choice.
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