Yet More Pucalpa
Yet More Pucalpa
By the last days of the long week in Pucalpa I am getting VERY bored so I think about entertainment.
It seems to me that people often like other people for their entertainment value. If a person is highly entertaining he is often successful and has what he wants. A new arrival is often entertaining simply because he is new. His story, his “song and dance” are new, but he’d better keep it changing or people will get bored and he’ll be out of it, except with those who feel more comfortable with re-runs!
Old Picasso, for example—first he was a master of his craft and second—he kept people wondering what he would come up with next—and he was always ready with something far out!
Maybe it's best to forget the gawkers entirely and just live in a way which keeps you yourself entertained by all the changes life hands you—out in “Edge City” as Kesey calls it. It seems to me that life in Edge City would be most satisfying. The “together” people must live in Edge City.
But the over-ripe odor of Pucalpa is starting to get to me and Montezuma is collecting some more serious and very painful revenge in my guts.
I am not getting much done and am feeling pretty low, but I am staying alive and that’s half the chore most of the time.
Maybe the week I’ve spent here is like time spent in a concert of unfamiliar music—not much fun, but educational.
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