Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Return to Penngrove 1

Tomasito returns to Penngrove, 2007 (Tanya photo)

Return to Penngrove

I didn’t plan this.

I never expected to pass through Penngrove again.

When I left Penngrove a lifetime ago I thought I had shaken the dust of the place from my sandals and would never, ever, ever, see its single street, its few faded storefronts or sniff its hay feverish wild weeds or grasses again and I certainly never imagined I would return to live and work in a nearby town.

But-- by the tangled paths of life, the rights and the lefts, the backs and the forths, highs, lows, ins, outs and twisted turnings—here I am again, but with far different company and a lifetime of experience between calls.
The why 1’m here now is even a small mystery.

Since a few months ago Dear Bunne and I planned to move our “Earthprobe” from San Luis Obispo, California closer to San Francisco-- to be able to visit the cultural sites and the sounds of the place more easily, but not to move right into the crammed, jammed, expensive City-- I held up a map of northern California and with eyes closed-- Bunne put her finger on a spot—opened her eyes and read a word I don’t think she had ever heard before: “Petaluma”—which initiated our move to this bay area town just a hill and a valley away from Penngrove—that miniscule village I first knew long ago.

That is, Penngrove, CA. 94951 USA.

Tomasito, 2008


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