I was living at Il Poggio when my birthday arrived and Elisabetta took me to one of her friend's houses to hear a talk about yoga by a couple of young German men who were fluent in Italian and English as a birthday present.
Wolfgang and his younger brother Gunter were good men and very knowledgeable about yoga. They were followers of Swami Rama, the founder of the international Himalayan Yoga Institute, and headed a branch of that yoga school in Ahrensburg, Germany.
Their talk was mainly about the benefits of yoga--mentally and physically--and they demonstrated a few of the asanas and breathing techniques. The Italians at the meeting were quite interested it seemed to me--and several of them wanted to have a more in-depth experience and suggested a week-end seminar.
The German yogis arranged a sleep-over meeting weekend and invited me to attend--they suggested I could give a short evening talk in English about my pilgrimage experiences. It was clear that all persons of a certain class in Italy spoke several languages anyway --English being one of them--so my talk, even in a foreign language, might be of some interest.