Bogotá, Columbia:
My first night in this city I dream this dream: I am observing a sort of mandala and am suddenly aware of being in an “out of the body” astral state. I open my astral eyes and see that I am in starry space speeding toward mythic Egypt. Ahead and to the right of me is another flying form; a woman with a beautiful, serene face. Her wavy black hair is blowing back around me. I follow her downward gaze and see three pyramids on the ground far below. The whole scene begins to throb rhythmically. “What is that?” I ask the form. “It is the beating of your funeral heart.” she replies. Then I think that this projection is my last and that my body has died. In a way I feel glad because I am truly free and happy, yet I also feel afraid. I awaken to return to my earthprobe journey, but wanting to rejoin the guide from my dream.