Haiku Moo
Mooligent Roo, Rooligent Moo
Mooligent, Rooligent
Mooligent Roo!
Tomasito, 2008
The Imhotep Construction Company is a compendium of art, writing and photographs By Tomasito (Thomas F. Wold) The project was started in 1973 and is the third and final of three projects: "Earthprobe" and "Big Flow's Cosmic Repair Works" are the other two titles completed and published in paper editions. TW 2008
The Place of the USA Today
What is the place of the USA in today's world?
I asked a sensitive Russian friend this question and she made this reply:
"The main problem with the USA today is an arrogance of power that can lead that nation into abrupt and aggressive actions without taking time to reach carefully thought out and planned decisions. This unbalanced use of power can lead to extreme situations and dangers-not only for Americans, but for the world.
"There is presently a great likelihood of extreme changes in America, with national policies meeting with great obstacles in internal and external relations.
"The greatest strength and advantage of America at present is the strong unity between it's borders; a unity of it's peoples which have been gathered from every part of the world to become a single nation. This subconscious harmony is it's greatest strength.
"For generations, America has attracted to its shores the best and the hardest working people from all over the world and this has contributed greatly to its history of wealth, creative genius and success in every field. The Americans still believe in "The American Dream" and hope that its past traditions of harmony and happily fulfilled life-potentiality will prevail.
"Now is an important time for Americans to pause, study and make careful decisions which will determine their future and the world's long term good.
"Unfortunately, I sense a certain blindness on the part of Americans, because of the arrogance of power, which will probably lead to continuous quarrels in the future.
"If the USA does not limit its present aggressive and quarrelsome stance, it's influence in the world will decline and perhaps even ignominiously end. America may be its own worst enemy because of self-satisfaction and the arrogant use of power.
"The world presently sees the United States as the most powerful leader. People outside and even inside America do not yet see its tragic flaw and this illusory appearance of power is to the USA's great advantage at this time
"America can retain much of its authority through diligent hard work, attention to details and careful craftsmanship in all fields--politics, economics and even personal relationships.
"It is therefore important that Americans pause for rest and contemplation--to make no moves without adequate thought and planning.
"America's unquestioned world leadership is gradually waning. This may be inevitable because of the world's evolution into a global political unity. This loss of national power will probably be slow and will not necessarily be terrible--especially if Americans adjust calmly and accept the changes as natural. This is the time for Americans to stop, plan, think and attempt to develop peace, harmony and a rich inner life.
"Americans should continue to develop humility, spirituality and deep friendly love (Not just institutionalised charity). This is a difficult path for a young warrior nation, but necessary-and it is time to begin."
August 1999
Tomasito, 2008
I Receive My First Beating
This happened a long time ago.
When I was a very little boy my family: mom, dad and brother Joe and sometime soon baby Bro Jack lived in a cottage tract called Hillside Village—one of the instant communities which sprang up during the Second World War to house the thousands of people swarming into Los Angeles--people who were employed in the “war industries” making the things needed to whip the axis as we used to say in those “good old days”.
Pop (my father) got a job in an essential war industry making screw drivers at the Plumb Tool Company—this was very good for him and for us and the for US Army.
Good for him because though he was young and healthy he was classified “3-S” (Hardship--Sole support of family with young children.) which kept him from putting on the uniform and going away to fight for freedom somewhere. (Thanks Brother Jack!)
Good for us because that meant he was home evenings and week-ends and could take us to places like Long Beach and buy us triple-decker ice cream cones at Lyons and help me learn to ride a bicycle.
And especially good for the US Army because he was about the most peaceful and non-combative man I have ever known.
We lived near El Sereno which was in trolly striking distance of downtown LA so Pop could commute—and Bro Joe and I could ride our bikes to Farmdale Elementary School (Farmdale ! ? Oh really-- these hopelessly picturesque and misleading California Realty names for humble places!) over the path across Dinosaur Mountain (our name for it) to school every day.
There was a big grassy sports field before we got to school and on the hill above this field was a park featuring the community swimming pool—called “The Plunge” in which we kids indulged during the summer months.
This grassy field was the scene of my first—and I think last—beating.
I was in the first grade and small for my age as they say. There was some kind of evening do at the park. My family was there. These was a softball game and picnic lunches and all of us were having a real good time.
Me especially!
I had somehow learned to make my voice go from a high pitched hoot through a glottal break into a lower pitched hoot (four notes down)and was running around doing it. It was dark and shadowy at the edges of the field and there were the usual trees and bushes—I would guess eucalyptus and oleander and maybe a shabby palm or two—I was enjoying myself immensely in the shadows of the trees when suddenly and without warning I was attacked by a small group of older boys. They knocked me down, jumped on top of me and held me down while one sat on my chest and shoulders and slapped and pounded my face.
It must have been good fun for him because he did it for several minutes—then the young gangsters piled off of me and disappeared into the shadows.
I was not cut or bruised—just kind of deeply hurt, humiliated and most of all surprised. In spite of the no-holds-barred adult war going on at the time, I literally did not realize that such malicious wickedness existed in the real world.
I found my family again but felt so ashamed of myself for being “beat up” that I didn't say anything to anyone.
The next few days at school during recess I sat on the ground by myself in the schoolyard thinking it over.
I remember watching water slowly fill one of the rings of dirt that they surrounded young trees with to give them a start in life.
This happened a long time ago—but I can still easily remember the astonishment and the hurt and the disappointment in human nature I felt—and still sometimes feel.
Tomasito. 2008
Three Keys
In Lebanon I met a Sufi sheikh who told me: "There are three keys to growth in the spiritual life: Patience, Persistence, and Good Heart."
Patience: the first;
It may take years--
Even lifetimes of waiting
Before your way clears
The next is Persistence
Keep trying, you know.
When everything's dark
And the going is slow.
Last is Good Heart.
You know what that means--
Smile, be happy
And avoid those bad scenes.
October 15, 1999
Tomasito, 2008
Built on the rock--
Like the Old People say,
Built on the rock--
To last more than a day.
When the floods come down
Or the earthquakes shock,
That house will stand
If it's built on the rock.
Tomasito, 2008
The Poem Floating on the Ocean
It was one of those bright, fall afternoons on the Sonoma County coast of northern California.
Brian and I were talking again on the stone steps of the Little Boy’s Bunk House. He was standing a step above me (as usual) but behind me—on the other side of the pasture-- the deep blue Pacific Ocean.
Brian remarked casually: “Look, Tom. There’s a poem floating on the ocean.”
I turned—and really saw the stunning seascape spread out before me.
After a few moments, when I turned back to thank him for the “poem”, he had disappeared.
A month later, flying his hang-glider, he disappeared again.
Brian Callahan: “Gone but not Forgotten”.
In the old Age of Faith all the pilgrimage trails to Santiago de Campostella converged at Puente Reina, a stone bridge in northern Spain-- but from Puente Reina, only one “official” path continued following the southern foothills of the mountains. This one grand route was called “The Starry Way to Santiago de Campostella”.
In some religious traditions, making a pilgrimage to a holy place gains some sort of spiritual merit and I was making this pilgrimage for a German lady friend who thought she was too old and weak to do it herself. She believed that having a proxy make the pilgrimage for her would gain spiritual merit and so I hoped to find and follow this ancient Starry Way and be a twentieth century pilgrim on her behalf.
My German friend had given me an old bicycle for the trip and introduced me to some of her old friends who helped me with traveling directions to the old pilgrimage way to Santiago. I started from her old home in Bavaria.
As I pedalled slowly up into the Pyrenees Mountains out of France I silently repeated the traditional pilgrimage “Jesus prayer” in Greek: “Kyrie Jesu Christe, eleson mas” so I would feel more like a real pilgrim and not just another tourist.
.The modern highway I was following out of France got narrower and narrower as it climbed into the mountains and the motor traffic was extremely heavy. For sure, there were no other bicyclists on the highway-- but swarms of cars and an occasional bus or truck rumbled by, literally brushing my sleeve as they passed--though I rode as far to the right edge of the pavement as I could get. This mortal danger made my prayer more purposeful and focused since I wasn’t sure if I would be alive to pedal and repeat it many more times.
Then I heard a different kind of noise coming up behind me and was soon overtaken by a man on a motor scooter. I had been passed by many other kinds of vehicle that morning, but this was the first motor scooter I had seen on the highway.
I noticed as he passed that he had a long white beard and long white hair blowing around the edges of his motorcycle helmet. He went on ahead of me for a minute but then pulled over to the side of the highway and waved for me to stop.
I was towing a little yellow plastic cart with my bedding and a box of tools behind my bike and I had decided to help anyone I could since I had been helped so often myself on the road—so, though I didn’t much care to stop with all that dangerous traffic whizzing past, I pulled up behind him and dismounted.
The scooter-man appeared to be ancient, but fit and happy—and when he took off his helmet, lots of beautiful, white hair waved in the breeze from the passing traffic.
He greeted me cheerfully. He didn’t need my help. He wanted to help me! I don’t remember what language he was speaking, but I had no problem in understanding him. He said that I was riding on a very dangerous stretch of highway for a bicyclist and that I should go no further on it––but if I would turn back I would soon find a little country road leading off from the main highway. The destination of this country lane was also the top of the mountain-- the same pass the highway reached—but was completely removed from all the hazardous traffic.
I thanked him for his advice and immediately turned back. He also turned around and, waving to me merrily, scooted back the way he had come.
Directly I found the quiet country lane he had mentioned and followed it--- first down into the valley, then beside a pretty little stream and so on up the mountain, by farms and fields, until the path joined the main highway near the summit pass where the highway widened for the border crossing into Spain.
After my anxious morning ride, this detour was delightful—peaceful and refreshing.
Later I got to thinking that the happy, helpful old geezer on the scooter probably saved my life.
Was it just so I could finish the pilgrimage for my German friend? Could he have been my guardian angel—or maybe hers? Or was he just some old guy trying to help a fellow human being in trouble?
Tomasito, 2008
I Become an Ex-Vegetarian
I was walking a pilgrimage--my first pilgrimage, as a matter of fact--and I was walking in Britain. I wanted to follow the "lay lines"; those mysterious "straight tracks" which crisscross The British Isles. At that time these ancient pathways seemed to be important for me personally for some unknown reason-- though I had only read about them-- so I was walking them for a little first-hand experience and maybe some inspiration or revelation.
The pilgrimage was also for "spiritual growth" since, as usual, I had plenty of time (the rest of my life), no responsibilities, nothing else in particular to do and a crying need for spiritual growth. I was making the pilgrimage in the old-fashioned, traditional way: on foot, with a few extra clothes and a sleeping bag in a backpack, a tin pot for tea or stew, a spoon and like that.
Though I had done plenty of hiking and traveling, I had never made a pilgrimage before and to make sure it was really a pilgrimage and not just a sightseeing tour, I carried no camera and said the "Jesus prayer" as I walked. That old traditional pilgrim's prayer is: "Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us"*. (I had such a mental block against religious practices, which by that time of my life I thought of as 99% hypocrisy, that I couldn't even say the prayer in my own tongue so I used the original old Greek: "Kyrie Jesu Christe eleison mas". Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.)
I did hedge a little bit, however. I arranged with a newspaper editor in California to publish my pilgrimage adventures as I had them. I would send periodic reports by mail to a friend and she would type them and send them to the editor who would pay me for the words. But when I started walking and sending reports, my friend wrote that the editor said that my words were too religious for his travel page and not religious enough for his church page so the deal was off.
So I was on the loose in Britain with no visible signs of support, as they say; though it seems I had plenty of invisible signs of support.
Anyway, I soon ran out of money but kept walking just out of mule stubbornness. Besides, I was a pilgrim, even if I was an amateur and wasn't God supposed to take care of pilgrims?
When my last coin was spent I started to get hungry. I was too proud to beg and besides God was supposed to take care of pilgrims!
I walked from sunrise to sunset saying the prayer. I could get water from streams and gas stations or I could ask people for water--that seemed OK, but I didn't want to ask for food, so I just got hungrier and hungrier and soon began to pray harder and harder.
Two days and three nights without food and I was up, walking (and praying!!!) early in the morning.
Passing through a village, I see a bun! Someone has put a bun on a wheelbarrow and left the wheelbarrow right next to the sidewalk. Is this God's way of offering me a bun for breakfast?!
Stealing is strictly forbidden to pilgrims, of course; but the bun seemed to be for me, so I picked it up and started to eat it.
"Hey you!" shouts a voice!
Oh, no. I've been caught stealing a bun, which must have been intended for a dog's breakfast. I have disgraced pilgrimage.
I turn around. The shouter is a small boy about ten years old. He soon catches up with me. He is walking to school--I've seen other kids up, dressed and walking with book-bags and lunches.
"Are you hungry?" he asks.
"Yeah. I haven't eaten in a while."
"Don't be hungry." he says, "Take my sandwich." His mother has packed him a lunch.
"Awww...I can't take your lunch!"
"Yes, please do." He says. "I've got more and the kids at school always have enough food to share besides. Where are you going?"
So I tell him about the pilgrimage. He's very interested and after a few minutes runs off to school.
I don't really know what a "pilgrim's blessing" is, but it's something I've read about somewhere, so I mentally wish him a pilgrim's blessing if there is such a thing and open the waxed paper wrapping the kid's mother put around his sandwich.
Oh my god, it's a ham sandwich!
And "spiritual seeker" that I consider myself to be; I am naturally too pure to eat meat! For four years I've been a strict vegetarian...still, the ham sandwich looks mighty good...it smells mighty good...and besides, it's from the Hand of God (via the kid and his mom)...
I have never eaten a better breakfast!
Encouraging advice
“Tadyata; gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate bodhi javaha.”
“It is thus: proceed, proceed, proceed beyond, be founded in enlightenment.”
English translation
Tomasito, 2008
Mom's Christmas Deer
When Mom was eighty-four, she and the family cat and I traveled together from her nice hillside house near Ventura, California to Taos, New Mexico where we rented an adobe casita for the winter.
Taos is an old village near the Rio Grande River Gorge on the western slope of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
Mom had been born about 70 miles away in Las Vegas, New Mexico, on the sunrise side of the same mountains.
I landed a winter job at Taos Ski Valley. I like working at ski lifts ‘cause you get paid and you get to ski free.
Mom dearly loved New Mexico. She had worked in the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce at the time the State had been officially named: “The Land of Enchantment”, and she had put the state’s sun symbol (Zia) in red tiles on her garden goldfish pond on “Laughing Mountain” near Ventura.
Mom loved the outdoor life. She loved a campfire and roughing it. I think she was a good mother for my two brothers and myself because she really did like to do “boy” things--not organized sport so much as just “outdoor” things--which was natural for her since my grandfather had been a real cowboy when he was young and he had loved to hunt and fish and camp out. And she thought her father was wonderful.
Grandpa was not only a hunter, but he liked to draw and paint a little too. I remember a painting he did of a buck deer that I liked as a boy. He had made the picture in blue; silver and black house paint and hung it on the outside of his house trailer in Sunland California so we always saw it when we visited he and Grandma.
Mom had had several small strokes and was getting very frail, but she still had a lot of spunk. We had towed her almost-new white Toyota behind my very old Ford camper to Taos and we would drive in one or the other of the vehicles up into the mountains almost every day--usually taking her car since the gas mileage was so much better--but sometimes using my camper so we could cook a meal “in the wild”.
Christmas was coming and we thought it would be good fun to go up into the Kit Carson National Forest and find our own Christmas tree like we had done when I was a kid, so we got a five-dollar Forest Service “cutting permit” and one bright, sunny afternoon, drove up into the mountains. About ten miles out of town I parked the car and we went through a barbed wire fence into a stand of trees. We soon found a perfect one-about five feet high and with a nice shape-growing out of a little snow bank. I cut it with the saw I had brought and in high spirits we walked back to the car.
I started the engine and Mom said: “Wait a minute--there’s a deer!”
I looked back over my shoulder and, sure enough, there was a magnificent buck with a big rack watching us from the forest side of the wire fence. I hadn’t seen a deer like that for a long time and neither had she. The deer took a good, long look at us and then slowly began to move away, picking up speed and finally gracefully bounding up a steep hillside and into the trees.
When I put the tree up in our cozy little living room and we had decorated it with lights it was just splendid. “And just to think,” Mom said, “our tree and that deer lived right together in the forest.”
A Halloween Story
A few years ago I was living in a tiny mountain town in Northern California. I was working as a laborer sometimes but had plenty of time on my hands for walking in the forest and other pleasures.
There was a little general store in this town with a bar and three tables where you could eat pancakes and bacon and eggs in the mornings and chili and hamburgers the rest of the day. You could buy beer at the bar and watch football on TV with the rest of the townsfolk in the evenings.
The owner of the store was also the bartender and he was a friend of mine. I did occasional work for him like painting and repairing the cottages he rented out to weekenders.
This was high in the Sierra Nevada’s where winter comes early and stays late.
I kept time by being aware of sunrise and sunset and the change of the seasons but otherwise I had only the haziest idea of such details as the days of the week or the coming and going of holidays. A good life and I recommend it to everyone for a while.
It was getting on into winter when I stopped by the store one morning.
“Tom”, the store man said, “We’re having a Halloween party here the Saturday before Halloween and you’re invited. One free beer if you wear a costume.”
He had a couple of little kids and there wouldn’t be anything “Halloweeny” for them in the almost empty village (all the summer people had gone and the skiers hadn’t come yet) if he didn’t have a party.
I told him I’d be glad to come and thought about a costume.
I had a gray wool blanket I’d cut a hole in to make it a “poncho” and I thought with a “crown” of evergreen branches and a tallish walking stick I could go as “a druid” since I already had long hair and a full beard. Good idea.
A couple of days later I asked one of the neighbors what day it was since I didn’t want to miss the party and he said “It’s Saturday.”
So I went into the forest and got some branches and made a crown and I was ready for the party.
I thought it would start about dark since the little kids couldn’t stay up very late, so just as it was getting dark I started for the store. It was dusting snow so I wore my snowmobile boots but other than that I thought I made a pretty convincing druid!
The narrow country lane between the huge pines was already dark, but the new snow made it easy to follow.
As I approached the store an automobile pulled out onto the pavement and moved slowly toward me. The road was so narrow, I walked as far on the shoulder as I could get—even so the car would have to pass very near me.
The car got closer and moved slower and slower until it almost stopped. Then, skidding a little, it sped up rapidly, passed me and vanished around the curve in the trees. “Crazy driver!” I thought, and went on to the store. First thing I noticed when I walked in was that there was nobody else there.
The little girl of the family started yelling that she wanted to put her costume on too!
And she went upstairs where the family lived to do it.
“I suppose you want a free beer.” The owner said.
“Sure”, I answered, “I’m in costume.”
“Yeah, you are”, he agreed, “But the party ain’t ‘til next Saturday!”
So I felt foolish (a little) but drank the free beer and played a while with the kids. The little girl was dressed as “a ballerina”, and very cute ballerina too. Her little brother was “a bear” in his pajamas and a mask.
The next day I was walking past the store and the owner was out in front getting firewood.
“Tom”, he says, “Thanks to you I’ve lost one of my best out-of-town customers.”
“How’s that?” I said.
“Well this guy always came up from the valley to have a few beers here in the quiet,” he says,” but he just phoned that he saw Jesus Christ on the road near here and that was a sign to him that he should stop drinking and fooling around—he says he won’t come up any more!”
The other evening I discovered that the price of having a tooth pulled by a dentist in Sacramento is now $2,000, this amount is nearly my entire salary for about four weeks of hard work.
That information reminded me of a conversation I had a few years ago when I was in Thessalonica, Greece, staying in the apartment of my friend Kalogiros.
Kalogiros asked me if we had a special word in English for a person who had the training and the means to help a sick person but would not do so unless he was very well paid.
I thought of all the words I could to describe such a villain but finally told him I didn’t think one such precise word existed in the English language.
“In Greek we have such a word.” he said, “‘Doctor’”.